Pearl N. McEwen – History Needs Attention

How fitting it is, after so many years, for our families to meet here
during Dunnellon’s celebration of its past, to which our Vogt family made
major contributions.  How important is our history to us?  The following
quotations put this question in good perspective:

“Let the dead past bury its dead”,
Longfellow wrote.  That’s bad advice
based on bad information.  The Past
is not dead.  Another poet’s observation
is better.  T. S. Eliot said, “Time past
and time future are each contained in
time present.”  Time is not linear—not
simply one thing after another—but whole.

As quoted by Dr. Edward A. Frost

From Asheville Citizen-Times – September 22, 1994
Letters to the Editor:


Editor, the Citizen-Times:

I am getting weary of hearing about the evil in our public schools.
Also, never have I seen a president so attacked as is happening now.  I
have been around on this old planet for nearly 86 years and I know where-
of I speak.,..

History is an extremely important subject.  It is the road along which
man has left the imprints of his living from generation to generation.  It
is marked by his mistakes, his failures, his achievements, his glories.
History should teach men how to live; without it, he has no channel markers
to warn him of shoals beneath the waters of life; he has no comprehension
of the art of living; and if he is a believer in democracy, he surely needs
all the historical help he can get in order to live correctly.

Signed:  Pearl N. McEwen
Franklin, NC

May God continue to bless us one and all  –  Mary Vogt DuVal

NOTE:  Cover and other art work by J. Alien Lamar

The cover is a copy of the logo used for the
real estate firm of Albertus and John Walker Vogt.